Trezirea si realizarea invulnerabilitatii (individuale si planetare)

Realizarea invulnerabilitatii (individuale si planetare) cere trezire; fara trezire, fara trecerea de la "a privi", la "a vedea", nu se vede nimic si se practica orbeste transferul energiei vitale in qigong, neigong, ki kou si reiki.
Nu asteptati sa va ajute cineva(un salvator)din afara fiindca nu poate sa faca altcineva in locul dvs(nimeni nu poate merge in locul dvs.); Dumnezeu nu ajuta decat pe cei care se ajuta singuri prin practica contientei impartiale

Va rog sa vedeti articolul:

Magul din Java- Invataturile unui autentic nemuritor taoist de Kosta Danaos

The Magus of Java-Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal by Kosta Danaos

Le Mage de Java : Enseignements d'un Immortel Taoïste

Il mago di Giava. Risvegliare i nostri poteri latenti sotto la guida di un taoista immortale












Ce este transa si la ce foloseste ea ?

Transa este o stare naturala de functionare a creierului, o stare paradoxala de veghe (gresit identificata cu somnul sau cu o stare modificata de constiinta; ASC- Alterated State of Consciousness), care a fost cunoscuta din antichitate drept "a patra"(in lb. sanskrita: turiya), alaturi de veghe, somn si de somnul paradoxal (somnul cu vise). Electroencefalografia a aratat ca transa (inclusiv cea auto sau hetero hipnotica) se manifesta natural la orice fiinta umana (fara a apela la droguri sau substante psihoactive) si ca ea este complet diferita de somn, si ca desi s-a facut eroarea de a fi fost botezata dupa zeul grec al somnului(hypnos), ea este de fapt o stare de veghe si este patronata de Sfantul Grigorie("trezitorul"). Transa se intalneste in viata de zi cu zi, atunci cand suntem absorbiti, interesati, incantati, fermecati de ceva. Transa se intalneste in absorbtia concentrativa( in lb. sanskrita: dharana) care se manifesta atunci suntem ocupati cand ascultam un ritm muzical care ne incanta, atunci cand suntem prinsi(rapiti) in lectura unei carti fermecatoare, atunci cand vizionam un film interesant, in timpul conducerii unui automobil, atunci cand ne indragostim ), in cursul meditatiei(in lb. sanskrita: dhyana), in practica rugaciunii autentice. Transa(numita absorbtie, via unitiva, rapire, samadhi, satori) fost folosita de mistici, de sfintii, de maestrii spirituali, de vrajitori si de shamani pt a realiza trecerea de la "a privi" la "a vedea", pt a realiza intrarea in regimul de functionare nondualist, divin sau holografic, cand se manifesta extinderea capacitatilor de cunoastere si de actiune (acces la haruri, daruri, capacitati extrasenzoriale, divine sau supranaturale) ale fiintei umane, pentru a realiza vindecarea, pentru a restabili starea de izvor (creativitatea) in locul celei de recipient care alearga toata viata dupa umplere(cunoastere, placeri, senzatii..). A identifica transa cu starile induse artificial cu ajutorul substantelor chimice(naturale sau de sinteza), cu sugestia verbala sau cu o proiectie imaginativa (auto sau hetero indusa) este o eroare contrazisa de fapte (cunoastem transa de pozitie, transa indusa prin pase magnetice, transa de expectatie indusa de Pavlov cainilor, care salivau dupa auzirea semnalului dat clopotel si apoi "inghetau" asteptand sa vina mancarea..) Transa este o poarta care va permite sa va descoperiti puterile secrete, sa va readuceti aminte adevarata dvs. identitate(nu intamplator hipnoza a permis si ea regresia, descoperirea amintirilor din vietile anterioare), pt. a va vindeca. Insa este nevoie de un alt mod(centripet iar nu centrifug) de a parcurge calea transei pt a realiza trezirea, descoperirea adevaratei noastre identitati, revelarea naturii ascunse a fiintei umane, ca veriga in trezirea Constiintei universului, manifestarea puterilor noastre divine. Osho spunea: "Transa mistica si cea hipnotica folosesc aceeasi scara, dar in directie contrara" /"Mystic Trance and Hypnosis use the same ladder, but in a contrary direction/" "Pana in clipa trezirii la adevarata noastra identitate oamenii viseaza cu ochii deschisi, profund adormiti, intr-o transa adanca" Daca dorim sa ne trezim trebuie sa folosim aceeasi scara a hipnozei (pe care am coborat si am devenit prizonieri in pestera intunecata), dar in sens contrar(urcand in constienta si iubire)"

Ingo Swan :: Puterile supranaturale sau divine ale biomintii fiintei umane sunt acele capacitati inerente ale speciei noastre, care pot sa treaca dincolo de timp si spatiu(ca o prima categorie), energia si materia (ca o alta categorie)"

"The superpowers of the human biomind are those indwelling faculties of our species which can transcend space and time(as one category), energy and matter(as another)"

William T.G.Morton :"Medicatia care controleaza anxietatea si durerea afecteaza mintea. Este oare ceva imposibil sa ne imaginam ca mintea poate fi afectata chiar de... minte?

"Medications that control anxiety and pain affect the mind. Is it too radical to suggests that the mind could be affected by...the mind?"

Sting :"In compunerea muzicii trebuie sa intri practic intr-o stare de transa pt. a transmite cantecele. Nu cred ca scriem cantecele. Ele vin prin noi"

"In the composing of music you have to enter virtually a trance state to transmit songs.I don't think you write songs. They come through you"

Acest site este dedicat stiintei si tehnologiei transei(mistice, samanice, hipnotice) si aplicatiilor sale: vindecare, anestezie, scadere in greutate, cunoastere de sine, trezire, iluminare, eliberare, (in lb. sanskrita: moksha, mukti; lit.: "a elibera; release" - de la radacina muc: "a lasa liber, a da drumul; let go"), centrare, aliniere, conjunctie, control mental, acces la capacitatile divine ale fiintei umane( puteri supranaturale, siddhis, capacitati supernormale, puteri divine, capacitati paranormale, har,dar, perfectiuni,miracole, puteri extrasenzoriale, ESP, joriki, vibhuti, invulnerabilitate, teleportare, levitatie, telepatie,regresie hipnotica, progresie, clarvedere,vedere la distanta,RV, calatorie astrala, OBE, CCM, NDE), relocarea portilor de intrare a semnalelor senzoriale(vederea cu alte zone cutanate: degete, frunte, relocarea zonelor erogene, Punctul G) utilizand drept ilustrare carti, articole si videoclipuri disponibile ( muzica de transa, ceremonii Sufi, Bali).

This is a site about the Science and Technology of Trance( mystic, shamanic, hypnotic) and its Applications: Healing, Anesthesia, Weight Loss, Awakening, Enlightenment, Liberation, Moksha, Mukti (literally "release" - from a root muc "to let loose, let go"), Centering, Alignment, Conjunction, Mind Control, Supernatural Powers( siddhis, supernormal Powers, Miracles, ESP, joriki, vibhuti, Invulnerability, Teleportation, Levitation, Regression, Progression, RV, OBE, CCM, NDE), Relocation of Sensory Inputs(Seeing with the Fingers, G-Point Relocation, Orgasm) using available short video clips for illustration (Sufi, Bali,Trance Music)

see more on:/ vedeti mai mult pe siturile de mai jos:

http://www.myspace.com/mystic_trance http://trancegate1.spaces.live.com http://trancegate1.multiply.com/ http://trancegate1.blogspot.com http://mystictrance.wordpress.com/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/mystictrance/

sâmbătă, 31 mai 2008

Poarta Iubirii-Dincolo de TU si EU-O poarta a transei mistice pentru a ajunge dincolo de dualitate

Poarta Iubirii-Dincolo de TU si EU-O poarta a transei mistice pentru a ajunge dincolo de dualitate

Love:A Mystic Trance Gate To be Beyond You and me -De Mesmer Con Amor

When you love see the divine in the other being ... use your love force to awake,to realise your true identity .Totally in love with you... I lose my little ego and I know you... as myself.In deep love and mystic trance it happens that the two persons are one ;Patanjali's book(Yoga Sutra) speaks about holographic functioning of our mind:In deep trance it happens that the knower and the known are not two; to discover that there is no separation between us and the Divine Consciousness look in yourselves in the moment you fall in love.. when "one single soul inhabits two bodies"; Mesmerizing Mesmer – How Can I Not Love You


In true love is possible to go beyond the Illusion (maya) of duality and separatedness from others ..is possible to see and taste the Holographic Reality of Being , what Sri Aurobindo also calls Omnipresent Reality (Brahman) ...

"In true love is one soul inhabiting two bodies" or 'Love is composed of a single soul dwelling in two bodies" (Aristotle)

"Human misery is more often caused not so much by stupidity as by ignorance, particularly our own ignorance about ourselves." (Carl Sagan);

We discover the same conclusion in Patanjali 's Yoga Sutra/La aceasta concluzie ajunge si Patanjali:

in Sadhana Pada: YS 2.4.

 Avidya (orbirea,ignoranta) este izvorul celorlalte kleshas [cauzelor suferintelor; izvoarelor de perturbatii(vrittis)],fie ca ele sunt prasupta(adormite,latente; nemanifestate), tanu-vichinna(fluctuante, slabe, atenuate) ori udaranam(in curs de desfasurare,active, manifestate);

YS 2.4.Avidya (ignorance;blindness) is the source of all the other kleshas [causes of suffering; sources of perturbations(vrittis)] in different states of manifestation: prasupta(latent), tanu-vichinna(fluctuant) ori udaranam(in manifestation);

YS 2.3. Kleshas [cauzele suferintelor;izvoarele de perturbatii(vrittis)] sunt:avidya(orbirea,ignoranta), asmita(senzatia existentei separate ca individualitate,limitarea intregului la parte),raga(atractia;atasarea, cautarea surselor de placere;inlocuirea lui "a fi" cu "a avea",dvesha(aversiunea,repulsia,evitarea sau frica de sursele de durere),abhinivesha(atasarea de viata;frica de moarte;identificarea vietii cu aceea a corpului grosier);

The old paradigm and its premise stated that we began as biology in the womb of our mothers.

Telliard de Chardin tells us that "we are not a human being trying to attain a spiritual experience, but, rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience".

You are not a body with a soul..a glass with water..but a soul with a material vehicle..behind body..names..persons(in greek:persona=mask)..we all are one flame of Divine Existence;

"The assumption that truth is somehow absent and needs to be found is culturally ingrained whether we are religious or not. Our uninspected cultural behaviors of proposing and seeking 'higher realities' known as God or enlightenment have been spread as doctrine through societies as instruments of political power…

The idea of human imperfection that is deeply ingrained in the social mind, in old scientific and religious thinking blinds us to the perfection that is already in us, as us, as Life itself, as Nature "her"self. Do not search for the Divine as if it is absent. Begin your way as a participation in the wonder of Life as it is already perfectly Given;Truth is not something to be found. Truth is already present in you, right here, right now, as the Life that is you.. Truth is not something we have to seek out. It is not something that is absent and far away, requiring great effort to find. Truth is present within you as the Life that is you... all people and all things were equally divine .return to this attitude, to see the divine continually, equally, and already present in all. to accept ourselves as such, and to reject any teaching or system that denied this fact.. We are not separate; we cannot be separate from Nature, which sustains us in a vast interdependence with everything. The universe comes perfectly and is awesome in its integration and infinite existen"(Mark Whitwell) "Dogmele religioase , care pornesc de la faptul ca nu avem totul acum si aici in noi insine, sunt false si contrazic mesajul lui Iisus care a spus:"IMPARATIA LUI DUMNEZEU ESTE INLAUNTRUL TAU!"(Luke 17:21); Ni s-a implantat ideea sa mergem ..sa cautam in alta parte..ca si cum ceva este absent; Obiceiul de a cauta in afara este implantul socio-cultural din noi …adevarul nu trebuie gasit si nici cautat fiindca se afla in mine ...se afla in fiecare fiinta..in tine..Noi nu incercam sa ajungem nicaieri ca si cum ceva ar fi absent .Nu incercam sa ajungem la Dumnezeu.. ca si cum Dumnezeu ar fi absent aici .Asta ne face nefericiti.. asta face omenirea sa fie nefericita.. si permite unora sa zboare cu avioanele in cladiri .Este o mare negare a minunii conditiei noastre naturale .. Sa cautam in alta parte.. ca si cum adevarul s-ar afla in alta parte ..Acesta este un implant socio-cultural… ca un software gresit sau ca un virus ce a distrus programul initial si s-a dat comanda in mod mecanic ca evidenta sa fie stearsa ca irelevanta..Cautam adevarul ca si cum el ar fi absent ..desi el exista in respiratie..in bataile inimii.." "I love your divine essence" said Rumi,the greatest poet of mystical love.. "Do not admire the decoration of Love But involve yourself in the essence, The perfume that invades and touches you The beginning and the end. Discovered, this replaces all else, The apparent and the unknowable. Time and space are slaves to this presence." Let your heart always be invaded by Love's essence. May my heart always be touched,drunken with Love!"(Rumi) Reintoarcerea la Mesmer - Ambroise August Liebault demonstrated at the end of his life that suggestion alone can't produce a trance of little children or animals-but this trance can be accomplished using mesmerism,a process of inducing trance through a series of passes he made with his hands . He worked with a person's animal magnetism (mental and orgonic energies). Hippolite Bernheim used only a part of Liebault's methods , which he carefully documented and produced a reference for medical hypnosis called "Suggestive Therapeutics." FROM MESMER WITH LOVE, OR TEA FOR TWO Salvador Aguirre & Alejandro Lubezki, Mexico, 2002, 10 min Alberto resorts to disturbing practices to break through the shell of his loneliness and fulfill his desires. De Mesmer Con Amor 09:18 Award winning mexican short film about a man trying to use hypnosis to seduce the girl next door.Watch again this video clip and discover who is in trance(the man? the girl? or both?)


 De Mesmer con amor

Cortometrajes-De Mesmer, con amor o Té para dos by lfalzatel De Mesmer, con amor o Té para dos (2002) FROM MESMER, WITH LOVE OR TEA FOR TWO De Mesmer, con amor o Té para dos on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... www.imdb.com/title/tt0309498/

Angela Gheorghiu live

from Covent Garden: "Casta diva" from the opera 'Norma' (Act I) by Bellini. Conducted by Ion Marin (2001) 

PSYCHIC SEXUALITY -The Bio-Psychic "Anatomy" of Sexual Energies -INGO SWANN

History of Hypnotism

Hypnosis is older than medicine itself and has been with us since mankind had its beginnings. Virtually every culture and race of people has used it. Cave drawings suggest that man was experimenting with hypnosis 100,00 years ago. In Biblical times, people went to "sleep temples" to be cured of their illnesses by the Egyptian priests. The ancient Chinese employed hypnotic techniques in the form of prayer and meditation. There is evidence that the Romans used "magic sleep" for various purposes. The Greeks unknowingly used hypnosis, thinking that cures came from the Gods.


Hippocrates wrote about impressing health on the ill by inducing trances and making passes. Throughout the centuries, many great medical men have studied, researched, and experimented with hypnosis. In doing so, they usually were labeled charlatans, quacks, or imposters. It is impossible to mention all of those individuals who contributed to the development and progress of modern hypnosis, but it seems necessary to mention a few.

 Ancient history: Pre-History to Mid-18th Century

Shamans, religious rituals, sweat lodge ceremonies, music, drumming, chanting, drugs and meditation

Pre-History to 3,000 BCE (BCE = BC, and CE = AD in modern history writing.)

Shamans and medicine people learned early on to make suggestions to the sick and convince them they would get well. Many of the remedies they employed were given in an atmosphere of high excitement, accompanied with drumming, the use of fire, and other mysteries. Kings and leaders, including Genghis Khan, found their messages controlled the bicameral minds of early human beings.

3,000 BCE to 1,700 CE

Wong Tai, the Father of Chinese Medicine (2,600 BCE) left details of trance-producing incantations and healing activities. The Jewish Scriptures, the Talmud, and the Hindu Vedas gave detailed accounts of procedures we might consider today to be hypnosis. Hipprocates, the Father of Western Medicine, wrote about hypnotic incidents. We get the term "hypnosis" from the Greek word for sleep. Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples cured illnesses with a technique that has been described by some scholars as hypnotherapy.

1,700 CE to 1,900 CE

 In 1774, Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer, an Austrian physician, witnessed exorcisms by Fr. Maximilian Hell, who touched subjects with an iron cross. Mesmer developed a practice he called “Animal Magnetism.” His hypnotic work was dismissed by a French committee of inquiry, including the American Minister in Paris, Benjamin Franklin. Franklin declared it was the imagination of Mesmer’s subjects rather than his power that produced the beneficial results. Surgeon John Elliotson, a leading doctor in London, performed 1,834 surgical operations using magnetism. James Braid, a Scottish physician, renamed the technique hypnosis from the Greek word for sleep. It was becoming increasingly obvious that it was the client’s imagination that made hypnotism work, and not any power possessed by the hypnotist. In India, British surgeon James Esdaile performed thousands of operations using hypno-anesthesia. His important contribution was officially ignored. In France, a country physician, Ambroise August Liebault, treated some of his patients with hypnosis. He was the first man to actually teach that hypnosis is suggestion accepted by clients, and not any kind of power that hypnotists exercise over them. This is now taken for granted by professional hypnotists.


1,900 CE to the Present

French pharmacist Émile Coué developed theories of waking hypnosis and auto-suggestion that he successfully brought from France to the United States. He finally established the important concept that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In America, Dr. Milton Erickson developed new psychological techniques that revolutionized the clinical practice of hypnotism. Hypnotism was used to treat trauma cases in the two World Wars. Dentists began to use hypnotic-anesthesia regularly in their practices, and recognition of the therapeutic practice of hypnotism was granted by dental and medical associations in several countries. Since the 1950s, professional associations for hypnotists have been formed in many countries, including the USA and Britain. National laws have recognized the validity of hypnotism, whether practiced by medical doctors or by professionally certified lay practitioners. Many new techniques have been developed to enhance the effectiveness of the work done by hypnotists, including Light and Sound induction devices.

Some famous historical personalities who used hypnosis and auto-suggestion

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-91),

Frederick Chopin (1810-1849)

Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Henry Ford (1863-1947)

Winston S. Churchill (1874-1965)

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

One thing that will become apparent in the following is that many of those we consider to be pioneers in the field of hypnosis were frequently dismissed by their peers. Even though many proved to be very successful healers.


1734 - 1815 Franz Anton Mesmer was born in Vienna. Mesmer is considered the father of hypnosis. He is remembered for the term Mesmerism which described a process of inducing trance through a series of passes he made with his hands and/or magnets over people. He worked with a person's animal magnetism (mental and orgonic energies). The medical community eventually discredited him despite his considerable success treating a variety of ailments.


1795-1860 James Braid, an English physician, originally opposed mesmerism (as it became to be known) but then became interested. He said that cures were not due to animal magnetism, but rather to suggestion. He developed the eye fixation technique (also know as Braidism) of inducing relaxation and called it hypnosis (after Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep), as he thought the phenomenon was a form of sleep. Later, realizing his error, he tried to change the name to monoeidism (meaning, influence of a single idea) however, the original name stuck.


1825 - 1893  Jean Marie Charcot, a French neurologist, disagreed with the Nancy School of Hypnotism and contended that hypnosis was simply a manifestation of hysteria. There was bitter rivalry between Charcot and the Nancy group (Liebault and Bernheim). He revived Mesmer's theory of Animal Magnetism and identified the three stages of trance; lethargy, catalepsy and somnambulism.

1845 - 1947 Pierre Janet was a French neurologist and psychologist who was, initially, opposed to the use of hypnosis until he discovered its relaxing effects and promotion of healing. Janet was one of the few people who continued to show an interest in hypnosis during the Psychoanalytic Age. 1849-1936 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - a Russian physiologist who actually was more focused on the study of the digestive process. He is known primarily for his development of the concept of the conditioned reflex (or Stimulus Response Theory). In his classic experiment, he trained hungry dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, which was previously associated with the sight of food. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology in 1904 for his work on digestive secretions. Though he had nothing to do with hypnosis, his Stimulus Response Theory is a cornerstone in linking and anchoring behaviors, particularly in NLP.

1857 - 1926 Émile Coué a physician formulated the Laws of Suggestion. He is also known for encouraging his patients to say to themselves 20-30 times each night before going to sleep, "Everyday in every way, I am getting better and better." He also discovered that delivering positive suggestions when prescribing medication proved to be a more effective cure than prescribing medications alone. He eventually abandoned the concept of hypnosis in favor of just using suggestion, feeling hypnosis and the hypnotic state impaired the efficiency of the suggestion.


1856-1939 - Sigmund Freud traveled to Nancy and studied with Liebault and Bernheim, and then did additional study with Charcot. Freud did not incorporate hypnosis in his therapeutic work, however, because he felt he could not hypnotize patients to a sufficient depth, felt that the cures were temporary, and that hypnosis stripped patients of their defenses. Freud was considered a poor hypnotist, given his paternalism. However, his clients often went into trance and he often, unknowingly, performed non-verbal inductions when he would place his hand on his patient's head to signify the doctor-dominant, patient-submissive roles. Because of his early dismissal of hypnosis in favor of psychoanalysis, hypnosis was almost totally ignored.

1875-1961 - Carl Jung, a student and colleague of Freud's, rejected Freud's psychoanalytical approach and developed his own interests. He developed the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes. Though he did not actively use hypnosis, he encouraged his patients to use active imagination to change old memories. He often used the concept of the inner guide in healing work. He believed that the inner mind could be accessed through tools like the I Ching and astrology. The conservative medical community rejected him as a mystic. However, healers actively embrace many of his ideas and theories to this day.


1932-1974 - Milton Erickson, a psychologist and psychiatrist pioneered the art of indirect suggestion in hypnosis. He is considered the father of modern hypnosis. His methods bypassed the conscious mind through the use of both verbal and nonverbal pacing techniques including metaphor, confusion, and many others. He was a colorful character and has immensely influenced the practice of contemporary hypnotherapy, and its official acceptance by the AMA. His work, combined with the work of Satir and Perls, was the basis for Bandler and Grinder's Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

A Return to Mesmer

The modern art of hypnotism started in Vienna with a man by the name of Franz (originally Friedrich) Anton Mesmer,born May 23, 1734, Iznang auf der Höri, near Radolfzell, on the German side of Lake Constance; died March 5, 1815, Meersburg, Germany.. Franz Anton Mesmer was born and raised in the Swabian village of Iznang auf der Höri, near the Bodensee (Lake of Constance). His father was a forester employed by the archbishop of Konstanz; his mother the daughter of a locksmith. It was a large family, Franz Anton was the third of nine children, Catholic, and not particularly prosperous. After preliminary studies in a local monastic school in Konstanz, Mesmer commenced the study of philosophy at the Jesuit university of Dillingen, Bavaria, changing in 1752 to theology, presumably as a scholarship student preparing for the priesthood. He continued his studies from 1753 at the University of Ingolstadt, where he soon abandoned theology. It is not known when and where he obtained his doctorate in philosophy The modern hypnosis, however, is in debt not with a physician but to a clergyman, a catholic priest who lived at Klosters, Switzerland. Father Johann Gassner used hypnotic techniques to perform what he considered to be exorcisms. Mesmer was said to have watched a number of performances by Gassner in the early 1770's. Mesmer, unable to believe Gassner's hypothesis that patients were possessed by demons, believed that the metal crucifix held by the Father was responsible for magnetizing the patient and hence developed his ideas and explanation of the results into a theory of animal magnetism, which he first tested in 1774 by treating a 28 year old female, Franziska Osterlin. Mesmer applied magnets to his patients’ bodies and produced remarkable results, especially in the case of a young woman suffering from hysteria. Unlike Hell, Mesmer did not attribute his cures to any power in the magnets themselves. Instead, he argued that the body was analogous to a magnet and that the fluid ebbed and flowed according to the laws of magnetic attraction. Having moved from «animal gravitation» to «animal magnetism,», in 1775 he announced his new theory in Sendschreiben an einen auswärtigen Arzt. This work was reprinted several times. Mesmer may have believed that he possessed "animal magnetism" and that he possessed healing forces; basing his practice on these concepts, he developed therapeutic sessions resembling séances. Mesmer at first used magnets, electrodes, and other devices to effect his cures, but, after arousing suspicion among the Viennese physicians, he preferred to utilize his hands. At the séances several patients sat around a vat of dilute sulfuric acid while holding hands or grasping iron bars protruding from the solution. Mesmer used hypnosis to cure anything from minor aches and pains to blindness. We get the term mesmerized from him, which describes the process he used to induce a trance over his subject. He would make a series of passes with his hands or a magnet over people. He said that he was working with a persons animal magnetism. In discussions of hypnotic suggestion the question of "rapport" was again raised. Joseph Delboeuf introduced the idea of reciprocal suggestion. Pierre Janet and Alfred Binet spoke of "electivity," of "somnambulant passion" and "experimental love." Additionally, there was interest in the psychology of hypnotic states of consciousness. These were described in terms of dissociation (Janet) or hypnoid states (Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer).Although he claimed to help many people he was eventually discredited by the medical community. One of those who discredited him eventually became interested in his work. James Braid, an English physician, said that these cures were not due to animal magnetism, but could be attributed to suggestion. He developed an eye fixation technique and eventually came up with the term hypnotism. Later on a man by the name of Emile Coue came upon the scene and developed the Laws of suggestion which he used as guide-lines for his studies. The most recent psychologist to have an impact in the field of hypnosis was the father of modern hypnosis, Milton Erickson. His non verbal and verbal pacing techniques are still used to this day. To look at hypnosis and say that it is one certain thing is very difficult to do, because the very nature of hypnosis is still a matter of great debate. There are those who see hypnosis as a state, or "state theorists", and those who don't believe it is a state, or "non state theorists". The main argument of the state theorist is that there is something different about the mental state of one who has been hypnotized. This is not easy to prove, and so there are not many state theorists. On the other hand there are the non state theorists who believe that there is nothing different or more correct about being hypnotized. Although both sides can clearly say what they believe hypnosis is not, they cannot agree on what it is. The most popular view of hypnosis is that it is a form of sleep. This is because the person who is hypnotized, looks like someone who is either asleep, or falling asleep, or because of the ease at which a person falls asleep when suggested by the hypnotist, and also because some of the drugs that induce sleep can also produce the characteristics of a hypnotic trance. But this was disproved by M.J. Bass, who did a number of experiments on heart rate, EEG patterns, and respiration, and found that sleep has nothing to do with the hypnotic state, it is a completely separate state of being. If anything this trance state can be compared to that of daydreaming or the very initial stages of sleep. In these stages your awareness is shifted, you are in a very relaxed state and you are also highly suggestible. In a hypothetical situation if we were to look at a time line of EEG patterns we would see at the one end the delta and theta waves of a person who is in deep sleep. If we were to move up the line a little way we could see the brain waves of some one who is meditating, and if we went farther up we could eventually see the brain waves of someone who had been hypnotized. What this shows us is that sleep and hypnosis cannot occur at the same time so therefore, hypnosis is not sleep. The most simple and accepted description of hypnosis that can be given is that it is an altered state of conscious. According to Erika Fromm (1979) "An altered state of consciousness is a cognitive state different from the waking state." (p83) To reach the state of hypnosis there are a few different methods. One popular method is that of induction. This is basically a series of suggestions from the hypnotist to the party being hypnotized. Usually this consists of immobilization, which involves having the subject sit quietly in a comfortable chair, and often to fixate their eyes. From there the hypnotist uses monotony, or the simple repetition of his voice to put the patient into a kind of partial sleep. While the patient is experiencing this partial sleep, they start to regress, and are shut off from the outside world, except for the voice of the hypnotist. Through this continuous entering of the hypnotists voice it invades the patients thoughts. Eventually the patient becomes confused and begins to think that the hypnotists voice is his own thoughts. This confusion is what causes the patient to become highly suggestible. What we see overall is that the patients awareness is lowered as well, their sensory output is suppressed. Gill and Brenman (1959) describe what the hypnotist does, (1) he impoverishes the inflow of sensory stimuli to the subject by limiting the subjects bodily activity, (2) attempts to alter the quality of bodily awareness of the subject, (3) suggests a kind of dissociation, by focusing his attention on a movement itself, so that movements that normally take place voluntarily may take place involuntary, and, finally, (4) breaks into a normal adjustment of the subjects human relationships by taking over control of the subject through creating an atmosphere of quasi magic. This in turn leads into state of hypnosis. Although this is a very effective way to bring about hypnosis, in is not necessary to go through this particular induction process. Weitzenhoffer, Gough, and Landes (1959), discovered that they could produce the state of hypnosis by informing the people they were going to be hypnotized and using a separate form of induction involving an eye fixation technique. They also tried this technique with people who were not informed that they were going to be hypnotized and found that it did not work. So although this technique can be successful, hypnosis will only occur under certain conditions.


 Mesmeric Hypnosis-Non verbal Hypnosis1




Mesmeric Hypnosis-Non verbal Hypnosis2





Inductia clasica utilizata de Mesmer

(bioenergia-pasele magnetice )



The Orgone Healer




the best of mesmeric hypnosis

luni, 5 mai 2008

The same ladder- The Unity and the Differences between Trance States:Mystic,Shamanic and Hypnotic

Aceeasi scara-Unitatea dintre diferitele tipuri de transa si diferentele dintre ele
The same ladder- Unity and Differences between Trance States:Mystic,Shamanic and Hypnotic
"Medications that control anxiety and pain affect the mind.Is it too radical to suggests that the mind could be affected by the mind?" (William T.G.Morton)
" We use the in same ladder in Mystic and hypnosic trance ,but in contrary directions"
"Folosim aceeasi scara in transa mistica si in hipnoza, dar in sens contrar"
"Nous employons le même escalier dans l'hypnose et la voie mystique, mais en sens contraires l'un de l'autre"

A method for relaxation using ancient traditions of word seeding(Socrates,Jesus,Lao Tzu,tibet); GUIDED RELAXATION FOR HEALING,SELF DISCOVERY AND CENTERING IN THE DATA BANK OF THE UNIVERSE;

This article is written by Dan Mirahorian is from:





"Mystic trance and hypnosis are the same ladder ,but this ladder is walked in contrary directions"


Caracteristica esentiala a metodei de relaxare prin pilotare auditiva este faptul ca face apel la trezire,la constienta,la actiune deliberata,la experienta directa ancorata in acum si aici,asa cum se procedeaza in transa despre care vorbesc toti misticii si toti marii maestrii spirituali pe care i-a avut omenirea(Iisus;Lao Tzu;Buddha;Patanjali).
The essential differences between the mystic trance and shamanic trance are:
1.the first is a way to the Center..the second is a way to Periphery
2.one uses direct experience connected to the reality that exists "here and now"to the omnipresent Light outside our "cavern"(see:Socrates's maieutics); the second is a mediated experience connected to recordings(our own memory or our external devices of recording sounds and images can't replace the direct experience of Divine Light );
3.the first uses our own consciousness or the self-awareness;the second a delegated consciousness or awareness(the shaman;hypno-therapist)

Caracteristica esentiala a transei shamanice si a celei hipnotice este o pierdere sau o abandonare a experientei constiente directe catre un ghid exterior(mijlocitor),care inlocuieste instanta constienta impartiala sau martorul din fiecare dintre noi.O astfel de calatorie mijlocita catre profunzimile fiintei sau de experienta mediata este una fara impact regenerator si eliberator(in orice somn profund si reconfortant ne reintoarcem acasa ..la izvorul vietii..dar nu suntem constienti de acest lucru).

Metoda de relaxare pilotata este o aplicare a stiintei asezarii corpului si a mintii(zazen) si a metodelor antice de pilotare pt. a accelera procesele de vindecare, de trezire si de accesare a Bancii de date a Universului.In Occident exista de peste 20 de ani inregistrari audio folosite pentru intrarea in starea de relaxare,pentru slabire sau pt.cresterea performantelor artistice,sportive ,care folosesc vizualizarea pilotata,autogene training-ul sau hetero-hipnoza ,asa ca in clipurile de mai jos:

Spre deosebire de regresia hipnotica ,in care persoana aflata in transa isi aduce aminte partial (traieste retroactiv,din amintiri) sau sau de loc cele intamplate sau relatate de asistenta (dar poate ulterior vedea sau asculta inregistrarea sedintei) in cazul reintoarcerii constiente, care se petrece cu ocazia centrarii mistice ori a relaxarii pilotate persoana isi aduce aminte intreaga calatorie in timp(trecut,viitor) sau spatiu(vizitarea unor locuri indepartate), in maniera unui sfant sau mistic ,care isi aminteste cine este si care isi cunoaste vietile sale anterioare.
Textele antice considera cunoasterea nemijlocita a vietilor anterioare o putere supranaturala sau o perfectiune(siddhis) la care ajung doar cei ce au obtinut desavarsirea in transa mistica(samadhi).Cunoaterea mijlocita obtinuta in transa shamanica sau hipnotica nu are puterea de a metamorfoza,de a elibera pe cel ce calatoreste in profunzimile fiintei sale(experienta directa a Luminii in momentul iesirii din camera periferica a constiintei-"pestera" la care facea referire Socrate- nu poate fi inlocuita de amintiri aproximative, care se sterg progresiv, fara a avea efect eliberator)

In clipul de pe adresa de mai jos puteti vedea o regresie hipnotica intr-o viata anterioara a actritei spaniole Beatriz Ruiz(care realizeaza emisiunea TV "Cala-Mar") -Regresia hipnotica realizata de Ricard Bru ilustreaza amnezia despre care vorbeam mai sus(see the link below for Beatriz Ruiz's hypnotic regresssion)
In clipul urmator ilustrarea catalepsiei pe:

Hypnotist has her do several things with post hypnotic suggestions!

Padre Quevedo pratica hipnose

Hypnose in France

Hypnose à Télécom Paris Dans le cadre de la campagne BDE de PsyBEDelic à Télécom Paris, j'ai fait venir un hypnotiseur pour un spectacle dans un amphi de l'école. C'était assez incroyable! Et je précise qu'on a payé personne.... Les réactions post-expérience étaient très différentes selon les personnes. Certains se souvenaient s'être particulièrement lachés, mais étaient mi conscients. Ils ont dit qu'ils avaient envie de faire tout ce que l'hypnotiseur leur disait... D'autres ne se souviennent de rien et sont très supris en revoyant les images. Les caméramen ont voulu participer ce qui fait qu'il manque des passages :-) site :


This a short sample of Elena Beloff session with Olya.


In filmul de mai jos puteti vedea ca la numele Nikki, actrita Nikki Ziering executa automat la trezire o comanda ( la auzirea numelui sau se roteste in jurul scaunului strigand"The British are coming! The British are coming!")

In clipul urmator Nikki Ziering nu-si aminteste cum o cheama atat timp cat hipnotizorul isi tine degetul pe nas (desi i se rosteste numele si i se ofera o mare suma de bani)

Alt clip ilustreaza modificarea perceptiei(gustul bauturii se modifica in functie de sugestia primita)


OSHO: MEDITATION for Contemporary People

sâmbătă, 3 mai 2008

Trance Gate/Poarta Transei

Trance Gate/Poarta Transei
Conscious Healing-From Hypnosis to Guided Awakening
Programming yourself and the Universe
Mirahorian on Conscious Healing-A Quantum Leap Beyond Reiki:
What the drug companies don't want you to know?
Answer: we have all that is neccesary inside ourselves in order to clean and to heal our mind and body. Our brain can generate healing impulses if we are trained how to do this. But this is not learned in schools or in the universities.
Do you know why?
Conscious Trance Healing is a revolutionary healing science that's beyond the reach of Hypnosis and "wave-genetics". Its target is the expansion of the boundaries of being. Already we discovered that a consciuos method of relaxation useful in healing can repair the structure of water crystals and trigger self-repair of DNA beyond the dreams of hypnosis and "wave-genetics"
Preview a new method for Conscious trance Healing on:





Guided Awakening/Trezirea pilotata


The Way of Awakening/Calea de Trezire:

Conscious Healing is for those who want to achieve

ultimate healing and consciousness awakening



Patanjali-Yoga Sutra on 360 Yahoo

Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms on Multiply

Mirahorian: Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Aforismele Yoga,
The Way to Inner Heaven:
Mirahorian:Hidden Knowledge-

Breaking the Cultural Trance – Discover Stillness


Tao the Way to your Inner Heaven and Power


Inner Revolution :

Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms-Yoga Sutras(Centering Rules)

Trance Gate: Enligtenment The Inner Revolution
Medications that control anxiety and pain affect the mind.Is it too radical to suggests that the mind could be affected by...the mind?"(William T.G.Morton)
A blog about the Science and Technology of Trance (shamanic,hypnotic,mystic) and Its Applications:Healing,Anesthesia, Weight Loss,Relocation of Sensory Inputs (Seeing with the Fingers,G-Point,Orgasm;Inner Drugs,Trance Intoxication), Awakening, Centering, Alignment, Show Biz,Mind Control, Programming, Supernatural Powers (Invulnerability, Teleportation, Levitation,Fire Walking, Regression & Progression-Knowledge of the Past and the Future,Remote Viewing,OBE,NDE),using available short video clips for illustration(Sufi,Bali,Trance Music),Bucharest, Romania